Saturday, December 19, 2009

The new office facilities ,

The new office facilities will give us great scope for growth as we expand as a business and develop new products. Our Sheffield based hosting infrastructure will remain in our data facility located within The Workstation so it’s important for us to stay within close proximity and The Cube is the ideal location with modern facilities and an excellent communication infrastructure." said Gavin Kimpton, Director of Pipe Ten. For any correspondance including payments that are sent via post please make sure you use the new address: Pipe Ten, The Cube, 1 Brittain St, Sheffield, Ten has revamped its managed server offerings and introduced a new range of affordable and innovative integrated dedicated servers.Servers now start from just £40 per month and come in a wide range of specifications. Using the latest technologies they support instant scalability so that the customer’s server hardware and costs can easily scale with growth and usage.Pipe Ten’s Technical Director, Carl Heaton said, “We receive daily enquiries from customers whose websites and applications have outgrown their existing shared hosting or require a level of support, resources and configuration which couldn’t be offered in a shared hosting environment. Our integrated server offering really helps to bridge the cost and knowledge gap between shared and dedicated hosting.”.Pipe Ten’s offering is particularly unique in the hosting marketplace. Using Parallels H-Sphere software along with their own clustered server infrastructure allows customers web and database services to receive guaranteed resources whilst separating out other services onto specifically optimised containers. This clustered approach provides much greater reliability, scalability and performance over traditional ’single server’ hosting setups. The servers are all housed in Pipe Ten’s premium data facility with fully N+1 hardware and power using the very latest high performance Dell Servers.Pipe Ten have announced that they have partnered with R1Soft and now offer free backups on all their shared hosting plans.Pipe Ten’s Technical Director, Carl Heaton said, “Data Security is obviously a key issue for all businesses these days. The implementation of R1Soft's Near Continuous Data Protection solution is a great move for us as it allows us to have the flexibility of being able to quickly restore individual files for customers as well as having a current and complete image backup of the servers for disaster recovery purposes. We've seen a sizable reduction in backup load and completion time which has enabled us to increase frequency without impacting customers performance”.R1Soft's Near Continuous Data Protection solution boasts a full server imaging service using a combination of full OS disk imaging and incremental data imaging and will even backup open and locked files. It allows the fast restoration of data both on a per file or per database level through to a full bare-metal disk/server restore.

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